Different Names of Lakshmi

Different Names of Lakshmi

Lakshmi is the goddess of beauty, wealth and good fortune in the Hindu Mythology. Goddess Lakshmi is one of the most popular goddesses among the Hindus. Maha Lakshmi is the divine consort of Lord Vishnu and assists him with wealth for the maintenance of the universe. Lakshmi fulfills all the wishes of her sincere devotees. Goddess Lakshmi is worshipped to attain wealth, beauty and good luck. A special worship of Goddess Lakshmi is sought on the night of Kartik Amavasya. Lakshmi Devi is known by many names. Chanting of different names of the goddess is considered as propitious. This list contains 108 names of Goddess Lakshmi with their meanings:

PrakrutiNatural World
VikrutiMany-Sided Nature
SarvabhootahitapradaProvider of Universal Facts
SurabhiCelestial Creature
VachiEloquent Speaker
PadmalayaSitting on the Lotus
ShuchiPersonification of Purity
SwahaShape of Swahadevi (Auspicious)
SwadhaShape of Swadhadevi (Inauspicious)
SudhaAmrut (Nectar)
DhanyaEmbodiment of Gratitude
HiranmayiGolden Appearance of Hirana (Dear)
LakshmiGoddess of Wealth and Fortune
NityaPushtaGaining Strength Day By Day
AditiBright like the Sun
DeetyaOne who Answers the Prayers
VasudhaThe Earth
VasudhariniBearing burden of the Earth
KanthaThe Divine Consort of Vishnu
KamakshiOne with Attractive Eyes
KamalasambhavaOriginating from the Lotus
AnugrahapradaGranter of Good Wishes
AnaghaThe Sinless
NavadurgaAll Nine Forms of Durga
HarivallabhiThe Devine Consort of Lord Hari
AshokaDispeller of Sorrows
AmruthaOne who is like Amrut (Nectar)
DeepaWith Radiance
LakashokavinashiniRemover of Universal Agonies
DharmanilayaCreator of Eternal Law
LokamatriMother of the Universe
PadmapriyaThe Lover of Lotus
PadmahastaHaving Lotus-Like Hands
PadmasundariBeautiful Like the Lotus
PadmodbhavaOne Who Emerged Out of the Lotus
PadmanabhapriyaBeloved of Padmanabha
RamaaPleaser of the Lord
PadmamaladharaThe Wearer of Lotus Garland
DeviThe Goddess
PadmagandhiniHaving the Aroma of Lotus
PunyagandhaHaving Divine Scent
SuprasannaEver Glowing and Smiling
PrasadabhimukhiEmerging to Grant Boons
PrabhaOne who is Radiant like the Sun
ChandravadanaHaving Moon like Face
ChandaOne who is cool like the Moon
ChandrasahodariSister of the Moon
ChaturbhujaOne having four arms
IndiraRadiant like the Sun
IndusheetalaOne who is cool like the Moon
AhladajananiSource of Joy
ShivaThe Auspicious One
ShivakariSource of all auspicious things
SatyaThe Truthful
VimalaPure, Chaste
VishwajananiMother of the Universe
Pushti PossessesAll Wealth
DaridriyanashiniOne who removes poverty
Preeta PushkariniOne with lovely eyes
ShuklamalambaraWearer of White Garland
BhaskariRadiant like the Sun
BilvanilayaOne who lives under Bilva tree
VararohaReady to Offer Boons
YashaswiniThe Famous
VasundharaDaughter of the Earth
UdarangaEndowed with a Beautiful Body
HariniBeautiful like Deer
HemamaliniHaving Golden Garlands
DhanadhanyakiBestower of Wealth and Food grains
SiddhiEver Ready to Protect
StrainaSoumya Showering Goodness on Women
ShubhapradaGranter of Auspicious Things
NrupaveshvagathanandaLoves to Live in Palaces
VaralakshmiGranter of Bounty
VasupradaBestower of Wealth
ShubhaOne who is auspicious
HiranyaprakaAmidst Gold
SamudratanayaBeloved Daughter of the Ocean of Milk
JayaThe Goddess of Victory
MangalaMost Auspicious
DeviThe Goddess
VishnuvakshahResiding in Vishnu's Chest
VishnupatniThe Consort of Vishnu
PrasannakshiWith graceful eyes
NarayanaSamashrita One who sought Refuge in Narayana
DaridriyaDhwamsini Destroyer of Poverty
DeviThe Goddess
SarvapadravanivariniDispeller of all Distresses
MahakaliA Form of Kali
Brahma-Vishnu-ShivatmikaTrinity of Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva
Trikala-dnyanasampannaAware of all, the Past, Present and Future
BhuvaneshwaryaThe Supreme Deity